Post by Leon on Jun 10, 2012 0:49:12 GMT
Every religion and belief you read about seems to think everyone is sleeping and if you follow their doctrine or a guru's method you will awaken, or find salvation in this life in some way or another.
That is saying we are all asleep until we find some enlightening wisdom.
what makes someone awake? You hear some people spout some crazy thoughts, and they pertain to be awake, this cannot be true can it?
What does awakening mean to you?
Post by gruntal on Jun 10, 2012 2:11:56 GMT
Awakening has the simple eloquence of assuming you are living in denial and already have at least something going for you. Something you have already sensed or saw - or otherwise you wouldn't be curious and knocking in life's door to begin with. It is good as far as it goes in that it awknowledges discomfort in things taken for granted that just don't seem right to you.
You knew they was something there even if no one else saw it.
Alas it also brings up the biggist problem with things avant guard: you may feel there is more to something then the surface but it doesn't tell you what to do about it. I rather think most of the human race just doesn't know what to do about it. "Drop outs" are often not so much lazy or unmotivated as unable to find out what to do about things. I find it hard to believe billions of human beings are the way they are on purpose - it just follows they are very average. And if they change as individuals it isn't all that obvious in a group what if anything will change for the better.
Still there is no denying in your old age you might remember things you saw or thought about you knew wasn't going to work out right or wasn't proper. You knew better. You kept your mouth shut. You didn't get involved. Why me?!
Awakening to me is discovering and acknowledging in your youth what you were destined to be and know in your later years. Sort of like incremental evolution. It is like a *snap* and suddenly everything falls into place or starts to make sense or you find a ontology that you can live with and makes existance good.
Also needless to say awakened people shudder to think what it was like before they woke up. (If not they eventually go back to sleep). (I think there is a hiden metaphore there). Zzzzzzzzzzz I can't even sleep without getting nightmares. Why the haunting?! (Another hidden metaphore).
The one question that anwsers all other questions. Who am I?
Posts: 184
Post by Ishtahota on Jun 10, 2012 5:52:06 GMT
Most of the world today uses what we call duality consciousness, and this is a binary consciousness. We have a left and a right brain, a male and a female side, a conscious side and a sub-conscious side to us. And with more trauma's in our life some of us split ourselves even more. The eastern philosophies understand something called the kundilinni and my elders call this the snake power. When this power comes up the spine successfully it combines both halves of our consciousness, this is what some call the grand marriage of the mystics. (What God has brought together let no man put a sunder.) To have this awakening is to feel a change in your consciousness as drastic as if you had been given LSD. (literally) If you want to know what you can experience while truly awakened watch the Celestine Prophecies. You can have many experiences while you are fully awakened. You can cause others to awaken just by being near them. You can give others what is called the kundilini orgasm, which is 10 to 20 times stronger then what you are used to and it can last for an hour or so. If some one of a low vibration comes into your field of awareness and they are of a low nature, they can be dumfounded by your presence. Other people who are not ready to awaken can have all of their fears brought up in them and they will be run of out of your field of consciousness. Elders that are for real use ceremony to enter these states of consciousness when they have healing ceremonies for people. You can look at someone and focus your intent on that person and know everything about that person so that they can be healed. You can go back in their life and see that they were harmed at say six years old, and you can even tell them the name of the person that harmed them. We as human beings can become that connected to the spirit web. If you want to help this process along you can. It is a long process of what some of us call, doing your personal clearing work. This work is looking at you hatreds, resentments, and all of your fears. Making amends to those that you have hurt if you can. Changing how you treat others and yourself. If you get rid of the blocks the true awakening will happen naturally. It is a state of consciousness that is being called non-duality. . What I am right now is asleep compared to what I have experienced in the past years. The change in your consciousness is drastic and startling.
Post by brummyben on Jun 10, 2012 6:15:09 GMT
I can only speak through experience and also what I have been told. For starters, I would say I always had a hidden interest, that is to say that not everything seemed quite right in the world as I saw it back then. Due to upbringing I had an idea of God and spirits but that was all it was.. an idea. I remember as a youth we used to hang about the local town and I used to enjoy talking to all the christian groups who used to dance around town. It wasnt until a period of unhappiness when I decided that I needed someone to talk to. I had family, I had friends but I knew that they were unable to give me the answers that I required, not that I knew what the answers were. So I stopped off at a local church and spoke to one of the pastors there. He explained to me that the only way God will come reveal himself to you is that if you ask him to come into your life. I was also given a bible. I went home and started reading Genesis, the beginning was a gooder place to start as any, and then said my first proper prayer asking God to enter my life. It was the following night that I received what was to me a massive vision. That was six years ago. Looking back that was definately my awakening, although if I use the terminology of eyes, I now feel that one had slightly been opened. Seven years on after searching inside, gaining direction through reading literature about the buddha and more modern spiritual teachers, my eyes became a lot wider and the hazy dream I had been living in became a lot clearer.
Someone asked me.. What is your religion? I said, "All the paths that lead to the light".
Posts: 3,658
Post by sparklekaz on Jun 11, 2012 0:35:32 GMT
To me being awake, simply means being aware that there is more to life then what we can see, hear and feel with our physical senses. Once we are 'awake', that is when the real work begins. Working on ourselves, through self understanding, understanding the psyche, how ego influences our actions, reactions and perceptions of the world around us.
I believe the more we understand ourselves, the more our ability to understand others expands. Compassion, tolerance and understanding are all qualities that bring forth the ability to experience unconditional love.
Knowledge and observation. Learning about the world, the lives of other people from different races, cultures and spiritual beliefs. I believe this dissolves any predjudice through ignorance. It creates a bond between us, a sense of oneness, removing the veil of illusion, that we are separate.
All these things, coupled with life experiences, lessons learned, I feel bring us to even deeper levels of being awakened. On a more spiritual level, I believe, meditation, contemplation and being of service to others, raises our vibration. The higher our vibration, the more awake we become. Ultimately I believe, just how awakened we become in this life depends on how much commitment and effort we are prepared to put into our own spiritual growth. It is always our choice. Love and light Kaz
~ As above so below, as within so without ~
Posts: 818
Post by cyberangel on Jun 11, 2012 0:59:59 GMT
Hi Leon, Awakening is a bit like a proverbial alarm clock. Some get up straight away when they hear the alarm, some roll over and keep hitting the snooze button and eventually over sleep or awake too late, then there are some that are so content to be lost in their ‘dreamworld’ that they never even hear the alarm or they do, and just choose to ignore it! I think sometimes we can all be a little too quick to judge some beliefs as ‘crazy’ or insignificant. I do not believe that everything can be rationalised by psychology or science alone...some must trust their intuition and spirit to answer the questions, and who's best qualified to form an opinion on a person or person’s spirituality anyway? I love this quote by Mark Twain: "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born...and the day you find out why." And finally, to answer your question, what does awakening mean to me? To me “Awakening” is being able or allowed to see and feel the bigger picture. Awakening is the higher consciousness preparing to be developed for the greater good of oneself and for mankind. L & L
Post by christdavid on Jun 13, 2012 17:58:18 GMT
To be awake is to be aware of what is real. What is not real is false or illusion.
To be real is to be true. To be true is to be unalterable and unchangeable. The body seems to exist in time that is itself, not real. The physical realm is unstable. This is the level of shift and change. It stems from the "space-time belief."
The body is a learning and communication device made manifest in the physical realm by the "Mind." The Mind encompasses all things. There is nothing outside of it. Mind is Spirit. To be awake is to know what is true and be able to overlook or forgive what is false.
In the physical realm we do not see we perceive. Nothing has any meaning but what you give it. You do not acquire vision until after you awaken. There is a period during the awakening process that you will osculate between perception and vision. This can produce a period of disequilibrium and acute physical symptoms.
When you awaken, you will see truly. Knowing what is true you will reach out to your brothers. Brothers is a spiritual term that is all inclusive of males and females. There is no division in Spirit. We are one.
Christ David
Post by wayne on Aug 3, 2012 2:28:40 GMT
Cyberangel, I love what you said; and I quote it here (Awakening is a bit like a proverbial alarm clock. Some get up straight away when they hear the alarm, some roll over and keep hitting the snooze button and eventually over sleep or awake too late, then there are some that are so content to be lost in their ‘dreamworld’ that they never even hear the alarm or they do, and just choose to ignore it!)
EVERYONE is on different levels according to their own spiritual development, (I’m sure you will all agree) and will awaken according to his/her rightful time, though WE CAN quicken this time if we have a will to try. Everyone is given golden opportunities at certain intervals in their lives to further their development and understanding of things. There is NEVER a person not given a chance at this no matter who they may be. Though it does come down to the effort put in and of the penance offered for wrong doings. You see, it all comes down to the individual.
Post by themaster on Aug 3, 2012 14:47:38 GMT
Okay, when in a "sleeping" state have a friend throw a bucket of water on you.. then you should wake up ;D
Post by themaster on Aug 3, 2012 14:51:38 GMT
Every religion and belief you read about seems to think everyone is sleeping and if you follow their doctrine or a guru's method you will awaken, or find salvation in this life in some way or another. That is saying we are all asleep until we find some enlightening wisdom. what makes someone awake? You hear some people spout some crazy thoughts, and they pertain to be awake, this cannot be true can it? What does awakening mean to you? Oih.. alright.. Let's do it this way.. knowing that you create reality is a "awakening" Knowing that there is more to reality then what "the" scientists say is a awakening.. An awakening is what you choose to it to be.. for me I didn't have a theory for HOW all of reality worked until I ran into that silly idea called "law of attraction" now I have a wholeness or balanced way a theory on how everything works.. and the theory seems to prove itself daily..
Post by cheryl on Aug 11, 2012 22:25:28 GMT
Everyone is on a different journey. Not right or wrong..just different. I feel that "awakening" is part of our individual journey of spirituality in both our own time and way. Looking at our world today told me..."is this all there is"? I had hoped not....my journey has taken me to examining myself, my cultural beliefs, religions of the world, spirituality of the world and looking at the world in a way that resonates to me. At the end of the day, there are folks who think everything is fine on their own journey and guess what??? This is ok too! This is a process and I find it really cool that there are folks here that we can discuss it with!
Post by aceofcups on Aug 12, 2012 0:08:13 GMT
Here is my take on your question Leon.
I believe we are multi-leveled being’s or Souls. All connected to the ultimate Unity of Spirit and while living in human form we have one of many lifetimes which is ultimately about learning and growing through life expereinces and realtionships of all kinds. Both our Personality Self and our Individual Soul Self of consciousness are evolving. In Buddhism, the term Buddha actually means "The Awakened One" – it is not persay a person as much as a state of consciousness. It is not of course limited to any one Belief system... but it is a state of consciousness open to All whatever their belief systems or religious connections. A state of consciousness which anyone can obtain after much spiritual work on themselves and their Soul. The term seems to have become a much used term in New Age Circles... Although I certainly don’t think everybody who says they are awakened have become “really” awakened in the traditional and esoteric meaning of the term.
I agree with Kaz saying that “On a more spiritual level, I believe, meditation, contemplation and being of service to others, raises our vibration. The higher our vibration, the more awake we become. Ultimately I believe, just how awakened we become in this life depends on how much commitment and effort we are prepared to put into our own spiritual growth. It is always our choice.” As we learn to integrate more and more of our higher spiritual consciousness into our personally self. The more we become Awakened,,, until we can reach this exalted stage of true Awakening, called Nirvana consciousness. But even then the Journey doesn’t end. The Ways and Means of our Awakening and Path is different for each.. although they lead to some unified connection of Spirit.
Peace, Charlie
Post by wasiq on Aug 24, 2012 4:01:43 GMT
think why GOD has created this universe and us. what is a aim of our life. is it only import and export. import by eating and exporting it in toilet. if this is our aim then an elephant is more succesful than us. but man is the noblest creation of the universe. so what is the aim of our life ALLAH TAALA mentions in holy QURAN SURAH MULK THthat ALLAH has created the death and life so that HE can judge who is at the best action means how follow the aim which has given to us that is to worship god now what if we forgot or never think of this aim we are as sleeping animal. therefore we have to awake ourself to get through this aim. cat steven was a famous singer of 1970s but he accept islam after realizing this reality. in his interview a anchor asked him a question that why you accept islam he said that i often thought that who has created this world and us and why? what is our aim? finally he decided to search the answers he awaked his soul and successfully accept islam when he realized all the answer.
oh GOD plz show all of us a rigth path
Post by alvinw333 on Nov 18, 2013 22:36:10 GMT
In our belief the Holy Spirit swakens Soul, our teacher gives us tools or spiritual exercises to contact the Holy Spirit, in a slow prosses by contact Spirit our vibs raise or conscousness expands and Soul awakes and makes the lower self more aware od illusion or reality. The Holy Spirit will help you unfold and be more God like bring out the God qulitys that are already in us