Post by belladonnaizhot on May 10, 2012 11:11:24 GMT
Hello Spiritual World,
I have a question that I was wondering if anyone could help me with...
I once read a book - years and years ago - that described the "soul" as being made up of three parts. Meaning that when you are born, you are born with only 1/3 of your soul and that somewhere in the world, there exists two other people that share your soul. The book said that if 2/3 of the soul meet, meaning that if two people that share the same soul meet, they will instantly recognize themselves in one another and be drawn together. The two may either be lovers or best of friends and almost have an almost telepathic connection, because they are after all, just parts of the same soul.
However, if all three parts (three people) that share the soul meet, the book said that destruction would result. Even though this is very rare because the souls are disbursed all over the world, if they do meet, it will be too much to handle because the three parts were never meant to meet. When this happens, the three people may be driven crazy and/ or try to kill each other...
Does anyone know what religion this is or where the story stems from. I've been trying to research it for years but I can't recall where I read it. If anyone can, please help. Thanks
Post by Leon on May 12, 2012 21:40:05 GMT
It sounds like the figment of someones over active imagination, I would not take it serious. You hear one or two people talk about being able to come out of the body if you do not like life, so another soul can have a go.. Sounds like a great idea for a film. But bares little resemblance on the journey the soul does take.
Post by jessiethecorgi on May 13, 2012 8:11:59 GMT
i agree with Leon. However, every myth has a basis in reality. i met a person who had a piece of my soul. We had the same heart of a soldier. we thought a like and vacillated from best of friends to wanting to kill each other. The parts of the soul corresopond to people who are like each other. they may be distantly related or have some common trait God made both of them with. This relationship did cause me serious drama and the resulting experience did make me insane for quite some time. This myth is based on the reality of earth being a giant classroom and God is the teacher. such drama results when we meet our mentor in what we naturally are. In this case it was serious character defects i needed to fix; orginal sin if you may. This seems to be God's way of tempering us and leading us to wax strong in the spirit. But such meetings can also be a positive thing. My doctor who healed the resulting insanity with Buddhism i also had an almost telepathic melding of the minds with. So the true story is you meet you sides, go through a baptism of fire and then meet your saving grace which is also of you. At least i hope it works out that way. If you are not spiritually inclinded in this situation woe is thee
Post by gruntal on May 13, 2012 14:54:15 GMT
Once again I harken back to my Rosicrucian teachings I found so hard to understand in the past. If two or more persons wish to work together they must have the same mind set or they just wind up undoing what the others have accomplished. On the other hand two persons of equal personality can never even be together without competing if not fighting with each other.
That it would be so is apparently not a human defect but instead is just the way the universe works. A successful group has different personalities but all see things the same. Two of the same polarity; or now what we call "clones"; repell each other like two magnets brought together at the wrong ends. If it were otherwise things would never have any impetus to disperse. And then the universe would stagnate.