The world is a dark place, and we are here to experience that darkness.
It does not say much for heaven, if the only way to get us back there, is to cause us pain.
"Come on, back to heaven with you."
"Nah, I want to stay here."
"If you want to stay here, then you are going to suffer, with many hardships and die a horrible death."
"Whats heaven got to offer?"
"No, still staying here, aah, ouch, aah aah aah, ouch ouch ouch."
"You coming back?"
"No, f--k off, you b-L---ks, aah ooh aaaah ouch.
The cry of a newborn child.
"You know what God, its still worth it."
Maybe the world is dark, because we make it so, and if we all took responsibility for that, instead of blaming it on an outside source.
Given that we were meant to come from there originally, it all sounds like a complete waste of time.